
Ketika bersendirian,
baru rasa nikmatnya kebersamaan.

ketika kesakitan, tiada lagi kata2 perangsang,
hanya bersendirian megubat kelukaan.

ada ramai teman-teman,
tapi tiada penolong perjuangan,
semakin hari, dia belajar utk bangkit sendirian,
bersama mereka yg berbeza pandangan tetapi sama tujuan..

dia belajar bagaimana utk kuat dlm lingkungan kemaksiatan,
dia belajar utk tahan kesakitan bersendirian, usah terlalu manja hendak meluahkan,
dia belajar utk tahajud tanpa ada yang mengejutkan,

kadang airmata nya deras mengalir memikirkan medan,
sendirian memikul keadaan,
sedang ummat semakin memerlukan,
kesihatannya juga kurang mengizinkan..

dia harus kuat mental, fizikal,
kerana dialah yg akan melahirkan para pejuang,
nanti tangannya bukan sekadar menghayun buaian,
tapi memegang bendera kemenangan!

p/s: doakan dia agar kuat!

wat did u get by drinking dis??

This is wat i read from kosmo online.. (tak pehe ambo, tiap2 tahun bg bantuan kat palestin tapi bakpo dok wi duit ko zionis pulop)

Let's reveal the truth..

From 1966 onward Coca-Cola has been a stauch supporter of Israel.[4]

In 1997 the Government of Israel Economic Mission honored Coca-Cola at the Israel Trade Award Dinner for its continued support of Israel for the last 30 years and for refusing ro abide by the Arab League boycott of Israel. [1]

[ In contrast Pepsi abided by the Arab League boycott of Israel which ended in May 1991, after 1992 Pepsi is also trading in Israel - see [2] ]

In 2001 the Coca-Cola World Headquarters hosted and was the main sponser of the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce Awards Gala.[5].

It has ben revealed that Coca-Cola Israel sponsers training programs for its workers on subjects including the Israeli-Arab conflict. The course content is created by a company funded by the Jewish Agency and the Israeli government.[6]

In February 2002, Coca-Cola teamed up with "Friends of Israel" and National Hillel to cosponser a lecture given by the infamous zionist correspondent Linda Gradstein at the University of Minnesota.[3]

In July 2002, it has been announced that Coca-Cola, in return for millions in incentives from the Israeli government, is to build a new plant on stolen Palestinian land at Kiryat Gat.[7]

In October 2005, Coca-Cola increased its investment in Israel by buying a 51 percent controlling interest in the Tavor Winery.


[1] http://www.bham.net/shofar/1997/0697/nbriefs.html

[2] http://www.snopes2.com/cokelore/israel.htm

[3] http://electronicintifada.net/actionitems/020219gradstein.html

[4] http://www.israel-mfa.gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH00ul0

[5] http://www.rdu-yok-meg.org.il/HereAndNow/Newsletter/newsletter.htm

[6] http://www.meitar.org.il/news/news.htm

[7] http://www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-news-0226.html